Arkansas Dive Flags

Rules for AR divers and boaters

For Divers in Arkansas

According to the Boat-Ed page for :

Those involved in spear fishing in Arkansas state waters must display a “diver down” flag and stay within 300 feet of the displayed flag.

For Boaters in Arkansas

According to for Arkansas:

A diver’s flag means that scuba divers are in the water nearby. Slow down and use caution within 100 yards of a flag. Avoid operating a boat in the vicinity of a diver’s flag.

Happy Diving,
Chris Whitten
chris-(@) (remove the hyphens and parentheses) Webmaster

P.S. The information above was as complete and up-to-date at the time as I could make it. It should not be construed as providing legal advice. You should conduct your own legal research or contact an attorney.